Sermon date:
July 27, 2008
The Glory of God in the Face of Jesus
Text: Exodus 34:28-30; Mark 9:2-15; I Corinthians 15:3
Listen to last Sunday's message
Reading John Piper’s book, God is the Gospel had a profound effect on my life. Much of the sermon that I brought this past Sunday was gleaned from the writings of Piper and Spurgeon as God used them to speak to my heart and mind.
In Ex 34 when Moses was allowed by God to view only the backside of God’s glory, his face shone so bright that the people were afraid to look upon him and he had to wear a veil to cover his face.
By contrast in Mark 9 after Jesus is transfigured on the mount, His holiness and glory was far greater than the reflected glory seen in Moses’ face, yet Mark records that when Jesus came down from the mount, the people ran to him…as Spurgeon says with regards to these two events:
“How great the difference between Moses and Jesus! When the prophet of Horeb had been forty days upon the mountain, he underwent a kind of transfiguration, so that his countenance shone with exceeding brightness, and he put a veil over his face, for the people could not endure to look upon his glory. Not so our Savior. He had been transfigured with a greater glory than that of Moses, and yet, it is not written that the people were blinded by the blaze of His countenance, but rather they were amazed, and running to Him they saluted Him. The glory of the law repels, but the greater glory of Jesus attracts. Though Jesus is holy and just, yet blended with His purity there is so much of truth and grace, that sinners run to Him amazed at His goodness, fascinated by His love; they salute Him, become His disciples, and take Him to be their Lord and Master. Reader, it may be that just now you are blinded by the dazzling brightness of the law of God. You feel its claims on your conscience, but you cannot keep it in your life. Not that you find fault with the law, on the contrary, it commands your profoundest esteem, still you are in nowise drawn by it to God; you are rather hardened in heart, and are verging towards desperation. Ah, poor heart! Turn thine eye from Moses, with all his repelling splendor, and look to Jesus, resplendent with milder glories. Behold His flowing wounds and thorn-crowned head! He is the Son of God, and therein He is greater than Moses, but He is the Lord of love, and therein more tender than the lawgiver. He bore the wrath of God, and in His death revealed more of God's justice than Sinai on a blaze, but that justice is now vindicated, and henceforth it is the guardian of believers in Jesus. Look, sinner, to the bleeding Savior, and as thou feelest the attraction of His love, fly to His arms, and thou shalt be saved.”
Now you know why I read Spurgeon everyday!
With these thoughts in mind, consider this question, why is the good news really good news? Is it that we are saved from hell? Is that God has removed his sure punishment due us for our sin? Is it that we now have a comforter to come along side us?
Consider this question: If upon arrival in heaven you found all of you relatives and friends who had died, and there you found the most beautiful city you could imagine, and there you found no more death, sorrow, sickness or pain. BUT you did not find Jesus, you did not find God…how would you respond? Is it God and His glory that is your heart’s desire?
John Piper makes it clear that in I Corinthians 15:3 the Glory of God is in the face of Jesus. It as we look to Jesus, as we grow in our love toward Him that we see the Glory of God! The Good News is Good News because salvation allows us to gaze upon the Glory of God, to worship God, to make much of Him! And that is exactly why we were created. Talk about finding your purpose in the universe….this is it.
This week read these texts over again, and read Spurgeon’s remarks. Search your heart and discover if you are repealed by the things of God…be honest now, do you dread going to church, is it a struggle to read your Bible and find time for prayer? Or, like the folks in Mark 9 are you drawn to your savior, do you desire to find time to be alone in prayer and Bible reading? Do you eagerly look forward to corporate worship on Sunday? Do you savor the thought of taking communion with your church family, savor the wonderful moment of tasting the bread and the juice, reminding you of the sweetness of your Lord and King?
The solution to a lack of love for the Lord Jesus, is to be certain that first you have been the recipient of His grace in your life. Being a Baptist, or Catholic or whatever will not draw you into a love relationship with your Lord, only a new heart of flesh replacing your heart of stone will bring true love for God. Be sure your faith is saving faith.
If you are certain you have been converted, you can grow in your love for Jesus by spending time with Him, reading the scripture, thinking about Him, and thanking Him for your salvation. Listen to Christian music from time to time, listen to GOOD (careful here) teachers (I can give you a short list) on the radio. Turn off the TV and sit on your deck and read a Psalm. Hang out with some Christian friends and talk about the deep things of God. Read Spurgeon or Chambers everyday and meditate on scripture they explain.
Do you want to know how to be a better parent? Better spouse? Better boss? Better employee? Do you want to know God’s plan for your life? The answer to all of these questions and more just like them is simple…Look to Jesus and grow closer to Him. The more you love Him, the more you desire to know Him, the more you desire to spend time with your Lord,the more you will notice an improvement in every area of your life.
As you grow in your love for God and His son Jesus through His Holy Spirit, the paths you should take in life will become clear, very clear. As you seek Jesus then God's will becomes clear. If you seek only for God's will, by that I mean you seek only to know the future, you will remain confused.
Know God...know peace, no God...no peace.
The Good News is that we can be made clean so that we can see the Glory of God in the face of Jesus!
Love your Lord and serve your King.
Please share your thoughts or questions with me.
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