Saturday, February 21, 2009

Singing through the battle

Listen to Feb. 15th message

As Jesus concluded His passover meal with the disciples the scripture says they sang a hymn as they went out to the garden. For 30 years I have more often than not concluded leading the saints in communion by asking us to sing a hymn as they did that first night. Only recently did I explore what the significance of our Lord's hymn that evening to my life today.

As with every aspect or Christ's life, He teaches me through this simple act of hymn singing as well.

The very night He was being betrayed, the very night His disciples would fail Him, the very night when the full weight of the coming wrath of God came upon our Lord, He sang a hymn.

What is my reaction to challenge, difficulty, adversity, persecution ? (As if I have ever really known persecution). My reaction is often to turn in on myself and focus on "why" this is happening to me, rather than to see it for what it amazing chance to use this situation to display God's glory in the middle of pain, loss and hurt.

Our Lord, like a solider singing as he goes to battle, left that passover table headed for arrest, beating, death and the wrath of God, singing....

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