Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5
This is the view a young American pilot had as he sat in the cockpit of a B-17 Flying fortress in World War II. The instruments all have a purpose, and together these instruments provide the pilot with information that he must have to safely fly this magnificent aircraft (just watch Memphis Belle sometime).
The August 31 sermon at Wornall Road was taken from Proverbs 3. Recently I had the privilege of hearing a good pal of mine, Darren Edwards of United Believers church here in Kansas City preach from this text. Giving him his props for that message, God used it greatly in my life and I eagerly shared much of what Darren said in my sermon.
Take a listen to it here:
So what is with the cockpit photo? Glad you ask.
Several years ago a dentist who was also a pilot shared a cool story with me. Based in Topeka, KS this guy would fly his little plane to rural communities and provide dental services one day each week. One day he simply stayed longer than he intended and darkness moved in on him. The little community only had a grass runway with no lights. Realizing this maybe a big mistake, he decided to take off anyway. He then told me that as soon as the plane lift off in the darkness he lost his since of where he was. He looked to the instrument panel and his instruments provided information that to him seemed to be completely wrong. He said every molecule of his being screamed to do one thing and the instrument's said to do another, in a split second he had to choose, his instincts or his instruments.
He lived to tell this story because he trusted his instruments.
Many times we think we know what to do in a situation, it seems so right, yet God's word indicates something else altogether...in times like these, when we trust our instincts rather than God's direction...we crash.
Trusting God is only accomplished as you are in an ongoing, personal relationship with Him. The more you know Him the more you trust Him. As I have often shared with you, the first step in any problem, heart ache or worry in your life is to move closer to Jesus.